Made by experience, a mixture of AI scientist & entrepreneur with software developer skills and finance quant & investment accumen. High-energy physicist by degree, and sport-minded through family.

Professional expertise in the following domains:

AI/ML models and Generative AI

GPT-3 (OpenAI)
BERT (Google)
PyTorch with Convolutional neural CNN
Recurrent neural networks (RNNs)
ML Models & parametrisation

Innovation & Design Thinking

Design Thinking Service
Customer Journey Maps
Innovation CoE and architecture
Business-Model & Data-Model Creation

Fintech Startup & Advisory

Have built 5 SaaS Startups in FinTech & e-Commerce
Experience in Market-Fit and Product-Fit
Executed VC & PE founding rounds
Advised multiple startups & accelerators

Algo-trading & Quant research

Built Quant ML algo-trading system
Executed > 150 alfa L/S strategies with sharpe ratio > 2
Use ML for Commodity & PM trading
Active in HF as advisor & researcher
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My recent posts:

24 July 2023
How to fine-tune and deploy Donut-base for document-understand/document-parsing using Hugging Face Transformers and Amazon SageMaker
24 July 2023
How to set up a Trainium instance on AWS, load & fine-tune a transformers model for text-classification
24 July 2023
IGEL is designed to provide accurate and reliable language understanding capabilities for a wide range of natural language understanding tasks, including sentiment analysis, language translation, and question answering
24 July 2023
LLaMA 2 is a large language model developed by Meta and is the successor to LLaMA 1. LLaMA 2 is available for free for research and commercial use through providers like AWS, Hugging Face, and others. LLaMA 2 pretrained models are trained on 2 trillion tokens, and have double the context length than LLaMA 1. […]

The numbers 
speak for themselves

I have delivered numerous Business Models projects, build a few StartUp companies and served as Head of Innovation for Oracle and Microsoft in the region. Supported many customers on Digital Transformation & Innovation. Additionally spent numerous hours as financial quant on alpha/edge research. Currently building FinTech SaaS in the Middle-East.



Satisfied Clients



Innovation Projects



Average P&L achieved



Quant Strategies
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Could be some code on LLM, some Quant alphas or anything which is on top of current understanding. 
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